Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kaylee's Bad Day

As you can see Kaylee isn't having the easiest first year of life with her big sister Brooklynn. Let me tell you what we think happened (we are still not 100% sure). Tuesday night the girls were playing on the floor, which they do quite often, and Kaylee was having fun for a while then she got fussy so we knew she had enough. The rest of the night Kaylee would cry whenever I sat her down. I thought she was teething or something because as long as she was being held she was fine. Well, Wed. morning rolls around and I am trying to get ready for work when my mother-in-law shows up. I was changing Kaylee's diaper and she started to cry when I pulled her legs back. I thought, maybe there is some diaper rash or something...NOPE. Still thinking nothing of it (am I a bad mom?!) I left for work. My mother-in-law called me at 8:15 and said that she thinks something is wrong because Kaylee will not crawl or pull herself up on anything...RED FLAG! Kaylee does NOT sit still. As most moms know that once your child can move on their own, they will!!!!! Anyway, I decided to come home and get Kaylee into the doctor. Well, her pediatrician was completely booked and so was the on-call doctor so we drove all the way out to Urbana to see Dr. Shuster. I tell you this because Dr. Shuster was my husbands pediatrician who moved to Michigan and has obviously returned. The 1st thing he said to me was "I remember your husband Dan." I thought to myself of course you do he was a crazy kid!! :) I love you hunny!! Anyway, we had to get an x-ray taken which Kaylee HATED and as you can see she broke her leg. It is a proximal tibia fracture and has to be in that pretty purple cast for 4 weeks. She is quickly learning how to get around. She will not let this keep her from being active. Kids are AMAZING!!!

Anyway, in light of everything that has been going on lately, I am just so grateful to be a mother! Children are fantastic and they bring so much joy and love to the world!


Jackie said...

I wish I could be there to see her little cast in person!! What a sweet heart!! It's been a rough week in the Sweikar home...hopefully the next while will be quiet and peaceful! I love you!

Karilynn said...

Holy cow... it looks like all out war in your house! At least you know that it's your husbands fault for being such a wild kid! ;o) At least all these injuries have kept you blogging! I love to read about what is going on in your world. Now that both of your girls have taken a turn is it your's or Dan's turn next?